Hi there, I’m Wang Xiaolin!

Xiaolin’s Avatar with eyes open Xiaolin’s Avatar with eyes closed

I’m a PhD candidate at Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, where I’m exploring the exciting world of Information Theory, Coding Theory and Artificial Intelligence. My supervisors are Professor Olivier Rioul and Professor Joseph Boutros. My passion for Informatics started at that distant afternoon when my mother took me to discover computer, and I've been hooked ever since.

When I’m not busy with research, you can find me learning foreign languages such as French (I passed DALF C1) and Korean (I listen to K-Pop all the time), or doing some interesting projects such as 2-future.cn, a site that lets you write letters to the future, or sheishiwodi.xiaolin.wang, where you can play a classic Chinese table game “Who’s the Undercover” with your friends. I believe that one should have the courage to follow his heart and intuition, as they somehow already know what one truly wants to become (Steve Jobs, 2005). I strive to live by that every day.

If you’re interested in learning more about my work or just want to chat, you can try to have a conversation with my digitized avatar (powered by ChatGPT), to which I have imparted much information about me.

If you do want to communicate with the real me, you can email xiaolin dot wang dot telecom hyphen paris dot fr.

Thanks for stopping by!